Monday, February 18, 2013

The Good Kind

I seem to have a funny little blogging pattern.  Rowan goes up, I blog.  Rowan goes back down, I blog.  I guess really there is not such thing as in-between times so that makes sense.

I do have to say, though, this little guy, is a wonder kid.

His latest "download" came through with some pretty amazing things.  It was perfect timing because I was starting to lay awake at night worrying about the K-word.  I don't want to say it, because Lynnie will read this and be sad.  You know what I mean, though.  Starts with a K, ends with a N and in the middle is indergarte.  I worried about the social part, I worried about the making friends part, I worried about the not being able to write his name part, I worried about the not being able to stick with a task without getting uber frustrated part.  And then, voila, poof, abracadabra - there's a normally functioning (yes, quirky, but look at his parents) five year old.  He goes on play dates, he sat perfectly through the dentist checkup, he went CROSS COUNTRY SKIING where he fell down several times with a "that's okay!"

And then, there's this:

(That is a picture of Murphy!)

Oh, and there is this:

(That is a perfectly written name.)

Not to mention, this:

(That's not one, but TWO teeth gone! A full year ahead of when Aidan lost his, proving again, that this kid will do things according to HIS own schedule)

So fears for next year?  Yeah, still a few, but less and less as time goes by.  This kid has a sudden perseverance that he didn't have before.  He wants to figure things out, and dammit, he will try and try and practice until he gets it.  It is a beautiful thing.  I DO have a tentative meeting with the person in charge of getting kids put on 504 plans but I keep putting it off, because well...see above.  The kid just keeps on keepin' on and continues to surprise me with where he lands.

Last week at school I asked a couple of the K teachers for a copy of the sight words so we can get Rowie working on them now.  They were excited and didn't know I had a kiddo entering school next year.  They started to fight over him.  I said, "Uh, ladies, you might want to meet him before you fight over him."  They pooh-poohed me, and one pointed to the other and said, "She gets all the nice parents and kids, I get the crazy parents.  You're not a crazy parent!"  It happened to be "beach day" at school and I had the props to go with it.  I replied, "I have been carrying around a rubber dolphin all day, you do realize that, don't you?"  She replied, "Yes!  That's the good kind of crazy!"

The good kind of crazy.  I wouldn't have it any other way.