Friday, February 24, 2012


I've wanted to write a post about our Lynnie, Rowan's preschool teacher for a while now, but sometimes you can't find the right words to express such profound gratitude.

Like the gratitude you feel when you are calling around to preschools, explaining your child's "condition" and she is the only one who 1.) knows what it is and 2.) seems genuinely excited about having him.

Or the gratitude you feel when you realize how she sees him:  as the beautiful boy that he is, with gifts of his own and lots of love to give.  NOT as a problem to solve.

Or the gratitude you feel when she observes things in your child you didn't even notice yourself, or at least couldn't put into words.  And how she ever so gently, but firmly at the same time PUSHES him outside his comfort zone. And you watch how she lovingly, respectfully redirects.  You take notes.  You try it at home.  It works.

Or the gratitude you feel when you realize you no longer dread asking the question, "How was his day?"  And the answer doesn't  include reports of him hiding, avoiding the other kids, or sitting on the steps and whimpering all day.

Or just the gratitude of that AWESOME laugh, sense of humor and insight. It has turned this weary teacher's bad day around many times.

No words, really.  But I do have a picture.  It's a photo of the top of Rowan's Sensory Processing Measure for his new Occupational Therapist.  Lynn filled out the school portion.  She could've just filled out "preschool teacher" on the relationship line.  But she didn't.  I glanced at it and an involuntary happy sob escaped from my throat.  Thanks, Lynnie.  We love you too. (Sorry if I made you's not that hard to do, you know.  And you started it.)

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