Wednesday, April 13, 2011


We were on a little family hike about a week ago.  It was one of those weird spring days, where the lamb is trying to kick out the lion.  Still snow on the ground, but sunshine lingering later in the day, less need for mittens and hats.  Snow boots weren’t good for keeping out the wet, rain boots weren’t warm enough.  We opted for the latter, our feet were cold.  But we still had fun.  There were so many snowmelt waterfalls to look at and fun patches of slush and mud to pad around in.
While we were hiking along, Dan commented on my mood.
“You seem a lot more upbeat lately.”  He attributed it to a possible job opportunity that I am applying for.
“Nah...really I think it’s really the return of the sun.”
“It’s great to have him back, isn’t it?”
He thought I meant SON.  Or maybe it was one of his cute play on words, which he is good at.
Regardless, I am really confident in Rowan’s progress these days.  Indeed, it does seem like he has returned.  I asked Dan last night, “When was the last time you saw him hit, bite, kick, scratch or throw something?”  He couldn’t remember.  Today Rowan came home all out crabby and whiny.  Lots of things made him mad, things that even a month ago, would have destroyed dinner, left me shaken and unsure of my parenting, and derailed him for the remainder of the night.  Tonight he weathered his bad mood without any meltdowns or tantrums...a true test.  A tickle fight with Dad turned his mood around.
An acquaintance of mine mentionedtoday how the return of spring feels.  “You’re like, Oh thank GOD I made it through again.  Somehow I survived it.”  Amen.  Amen to the sun shining and the son shining.
I know that Rowan is like the seasons, and there is a strong probability of darker times ahead.  For now I will wear my tank top on 60 degree days, turn my face to the light, shed my shoes, and go out and play with sidewalk chalk.

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