Monday, May 30, 2011

Spring Fling

Man, what a slacker I've been on this blog thing.  It seems the spring wind has come and taken all my motivation away.

Actually,  there are two reasons why I haven't posted.

1.  I always expect spring to be "easy."  Every year I am wrong.  Both Dan and I have had job interviews in the last 2 weeks, school craziness is wrapping up with all of its extra get togethers and whatnot, plus my toes are getting back into working at the Cafe.  Where has all this time gone?  (Oh, and I've been playing, as per previous post.)

2.  I find my sense of humor and quick wit fires faster with adversity and stress, of which there is little around here.  Really.  We're busy, but not fried to the max like we were this winter.  When life is "normal" I'm just not funny anymore.

More on the job opportunities later.  No reason to report anything if nothing pans out.

Now it's time to brag.  Stop reading now if you hate it when parents go on and on about how great their kids are.  Really, it's pretty shameless.

The boys are doing great.  Rowan's expressive language is now blossoming to the point where he is saying things like "Of course" and "actually."  He rode a horse (with me) yesterday.  We're actively seeking out good fit preschools for him (more on that later.)  He's somehow gotten past the making friends and having trouble with social interaction roadblock.  And it seems like now that he's got that figured out, he's really good at it.  He is a super good friend, great at sharing and taking turns.  He still flips out once in a while, but what 3 year old doesn't?

Aidan is amazing me as well.  He's finally picked up the guitar, and hasn't put it down since.  Just like the drums and piano, he just figures stuff out by watching a listening.  We got this silly app on the ipad called Stack the States.  He plays it for fun.  The other day he named 48/50 states on a blank map.  His reading ability is blowing me away.

I feel like the stage is set for a great summer ahead. There may be some changes ahead with jobs and schools, but for now I am reveling in this feeling of contentment and comfort.  We all know how fleeting that feeling can be.  I can't remember where it came from, but the quote "Live the life you love, Love the life you live" popped into my head out of nowhere today.  Done and done.

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