Friday, July 1, 2011

Summer in the Key of Rain

Summer is not what I expected it to be so far this year.

It started off with the news of a new job, the knowledge that I wouldn't be "tied down" by my summer job at the cafe, and the prospect of sunny days ahead.  It started on a high note.

Then it rained.  And rained, and rained and rained.  When it wasn't raining, it was cold and foggy.  A gray cloud hung over our fair city for what seemed like a month.  And then it moved into our house.   And my brain.  I have a serious case of bad-itude.

If living with a child with SPD has taught me anything, it is to expect the unexpected.  Know there will be ups and downs, and there is no such thing as a consistent pattern or cycle.  I assumed summer would be easy for my little guy: so much freedom, and fun and running around.  You know what they say, when you assume, you make a...well, you know.

Turns out that the same kid who needed the structure and routine during the school year also needs it for summer too.  Huh, go figure.  Wasn't the case last summer.  But then again, it didn't rain for 453 days straight.  I've been bitten 5 times, scratched about 15 times, kicked, screamed at, and am thinking about buying a helmet for Aidan and also one for the dog.  Loss of control has ensued.

After about 7 days of being cooped up, we ventured out to the local children's museum.  It was filled with crabby kids and their crabby parents, who obviously were feeling much like us.  Another day we went to the library, where just as we arrived a daycare full of crabby kids and their crabby providers poured in. The weather got the best of all of us.  Dan came home at the end of one of those days and I think I was catatonic.  I had reached the low point of my bad-itude.

But, as always, when you reach the low, you can only go up.  I have a plan.  Picture schedules and social story notebooks have resumed their positions in the rooms of our house.  One expert told us if your child seems like they're doing better, DON'T put the social stories and supports away.  They are doing better because the supports are working.  I ignored this advice and resolve to not do so again.

I am not the person with the plan, usually, but now I will have to be.  Lounge around in our jammies time this summer will be replaced by get 'em up and get 'em out.  We had an almost nice day yesterday (over 50 degrees, not raining).  My goal was to not be home all day.  Mission accomplished.  It was busy, and a lot of work, but MAN, did we have a hill of fun AND brotherly love.

I have my plan in place, my goal is set.  I will turn this negative cycle and bad-itude around.  Now, I just need the sun to come out.  (Oh, man...was that thunder?)
Hoping to see more fire truck and bike washes in the front yard soon!

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