Sunday, March 6, 2011

Yep, I started a new blog

Inspired by a book I'm reading and inspired by a friend, I decided to start blogging again. Plus a couple people on facebook told me they think I'm funny and they like my writing. And I have more to say than 420 characters will allow me most of the time.

My old blog can be viewed at I started a different one because 1.) Gmail is dumb and it won't let me in for some reason, and 2.) My parenting journey has taking some interesting turns.

You know how sometimes you pick up a book and start reading it at the right time? The Gift of an Ordinary Day by Katrina Kenison is that book for me right now. Amidst the whirlwind storm of juggling kids, jobs, food allergies, cold and flu season and mainly Rowan's sensory processing disorder, this book has reminded me the most helpful thing I can do is be present. I am slowing down. I am becoming more accepting of what has been handed to me. I am taking more time to breathe, and play.

Up to this point, I've been fighting against Rowan's diagnosis last year of sensory processing disorder. I was forgetting to live with it and learn from it. A quote from Kenison's book sums up my new attitude, and named this new blog: "Our children drop into our neat, tightly governed lives like small rowdy Buddhist masters, each of them sent to teach us the hard lessons we most need to learn." (Credited to Jon Kabat-Zinn.)

So, I'm navigating the turns with a new resolve to learn and be present. Writing will help me stay accountable to that. And if I can share it, why not?

I think much of this blog will focus on the journey with SPD, peppered with the fun that Aidan and Rowan bring to my life every day. I hope you enjoy reading it.

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