Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My Dog Has SPD Too!

And how do I know this?

Well, yesterday, Rowan and I were making train tracks, etc. on the sidewalk and doing various springtime play activities such as Jump in the Puddle, Stick Your Train in the Mud and Try Riding Your Trike.  At one point, he looked dangerously close to thinking about going into street, so I whipped out a social story in chalk on the sidewalk.  Then I made one about mittens in mud.  A few minutes later,  I see Rowan talking to the dog and feverishly drawing (scribbling) in front of him.  The dog had kept wandering into the backyard and eating compost, so several times he'd been told not to go in the backyard.  As Rowan was drawing, I overheard him say, "Murphy, you cannot go into the backyard (scribble, scribble), that will make Mommy sad!  (scribble scribble) Murphy can stay in the front yard (scribble scribble), that will make Mommy and Murphy happy!"  Geez, he was making a SOCIAL STORY for the DOG.  I almost peed my pants.  I just focused on the cuteness of it, but today at OT it was brought to my attention that it was a HUGE step for him:  it means he is making the connections he needs to make.  Hooray!

The dog, by the way, complied.


  1. Hi there!

    I am a friend of Beth K's (we may have met at Birthday parties?)and a fellow blogger. Just wanted to say you have drawn me into your life with excellent writing, humor, and heart. Hope you don't mind that I follow your blog.

  2. Awesome post, I somehow missed it before. What a perfect leap of comprehension! (And hello Asirek!!)
